Resource details

Format: gtfs-rt

Flux GTFS RT du réseau Aléop Pays de la Loire : Alertes

This resource file is part of the dataset Réseaux interurbains Aléop - Pays de la Loire.

Download availability

Learn more We test this resource download availability every hour by making an HTTP HEAD request with a timeout of 5 seconds. If we detect a downtime, we perform subsequent tests every 10 minutes, until the resource is back online.

For SIRI and SIRI Lite feeds, we perform a GET request: a 401 or 405 status code is considered successful.

Validation details

3 errors

Validation carried out using the current GTFS file and the GTFS-RT the 2024-05-19 at 09:02 Europe/Paris using the MobilityData GTFS-RT validator.


Alert does not have an informed_entity E032 3 errors

All alerts must have at least one informed_entity.

Sample errors
  • alert ID RTA:18924389 does not have an informed_entity - alerts must have at least one informed_entity
  • alert ID RTA:19479807 does not have an informed_entity - alerts must have at least one informed_entity
  • alert ID RTA:20163797 does not have an informed_entity - alerts must have at least one informed_entity
Validate this GTFS-RT now

Previous validations

Here is a recap of all the error types encountered over the last 30 days.

Error ID Description Errors count Number of occurences
E032 All alerts must have at least one informed_entity. 62 20 times (100 % of validations)
E034 All agency_ids provided in the GTFS-rt alert.informed_entity.agency_id should also exist in GTFS agency.txt 2 2 times (10 % of validations)

GTFS-RT feed content


Entities present in this feed at 2024-05-20 at 08:26 Europe/Paris.

service_alerts (34) trip_updates (0) vehicle_positions (0)

Entities seen in the last 7 days.


Service alerts

Here is a display of service alerts contained in this feed at 2024-05-20 at 08:26 Europe/Paris.

Stop moved

Between 2023-07-24 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-08-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2023-09-04 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-06-28 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-01-08 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2025-03-02 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-05-20 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-20 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Stop moved

Between 2024-01-08 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-06 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Significant delays

Between 2024-01-22 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-02-07 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-05 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-02-19 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-03-11 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-08-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-03-11 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-12-01 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-03-05 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2025-02-28 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-03-18 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-06 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Angles/LES FORGES reporté à l'arrêt Angles/ CAMPING MONTCALM - Travaux Stop moved

Between 2024-03-26 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

See details

Modified service

Between 2024-04-02 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-26 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Unknown effect

Between 2024-04-02 at 13:22 Europe/Paris and 2024-06-02 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-04-15 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-10-15 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-05-13 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-10-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-02-05 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-30 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-02-05 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-30 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-01-08 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-30 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-05-13 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-12-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-05-18 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-20 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Modified service

Between 2023-11-20 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-07 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-03-25 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-09-01 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-03-26 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-04-15 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-07 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Stop moved

Between 2024-05-18 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-20 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Stop moved

Modified service

Between 2024-05-17 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-24 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Decoded GTFS-RT feed

See full payload

Here is the decoded GTFS-RT feed Protobuf at 2024-05-20 at 08:26 Europe/Paris. You can look at the GTFS-RT documentation.

{ "entity": [ { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1725141540", "start": "1690149600" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "CROSSARDIERE : Situé Quai Béatrix de Gâvre à compter du 20/09/2023 jusqu’au 31/08/2024.\r\n\r\nPossibilité de Prolongation" } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Laval/HALTE ROUTIERE CENTRE et QUAI ANDRE PINCON reportés à l'arret CROSSARDIERE - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "109E", "stop_id": "53LAVAhalt" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:17535306" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1719611940", "start": "1693778400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Le départ 13h10 du Lundi au Samedi se fera à 13h16 Place Verdon à Saint-Philbert de Bouaine.\r\nL’arrivée 13h19 du Lundi au Samedi se fera à 13h13 Place Verdon à Saint-Philbert de Bouaine.\r\nCorrespondances assurées avec ROCHESERVIERE pour ces horaires par la ligne 580 (ST PHILBERT DE BOUAINE – LA ROCHE SUR YON)." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Modification du terminus Rocheservière/RUE DE BRETAGNE" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "85RCHEbret" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:18269087" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1740956340", "start": "1704668400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Angers/CHALOUERE déplacé Av. Jean Joxé - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49ANGEchalA" } ], "severity_level": "INFO" }, "id": "RTA:18962207" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716242340", "start": "1716156000" } ], "cause": "HOLIDAY", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Lundi c'est la Pentecôte : votre ligne circule comme un dimanche, pensez-y !" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "agency_id": "ALEOP_53" }, { "agency_id": "ALEOP_85" }, { "agency_id": "ALEOP_44" }, { "agency_id": "ALEOP_49" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20019216" }, { "alert": { "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Tous les horaires de ce trajet jusqu’à Nantes seront retardés de 10 minutes.\r\nLes nouveaux horaires de circulation seront consultables prochainement dans la rubrique \"horaires\" du site Aléop" } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Départ 10h51 Casson/ CHÂTEAU D'EAU > Nantes/GARE SNCF se fera à 11h01" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "300" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:18707997" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720303140", "start": "1704668400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Laval/CROSSARDIERE transféré à Laval/BRITAIS sur le départ de 17h38" } ] }, "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:18924389" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717192740", "start": "1705878000" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Merci d'anticiper vos départs afin d'assurer au mieux les correspondances." } ] }, "effect": "SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Retards de 5 à 10 minutes à prévoir - Sens Saumur > La Flèche > Le Mans - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "26" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19049026" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720216740", "start": "1707260400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Modifications des horaires - Travaux RD952 sous déviation" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "404" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19262399" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717192740", "start": "1708297200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Coron/SAINT-LOUIS arrêt reporté au rond-point D960 devant le garage Peugeot - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49COROegli" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19383688" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1725141540", "start": "1710111600" } ], "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Pré-en-pail/EGLISE définitivement reporté au nouvel aménagement de l'arrêt Pré-en-Pail/MAIRIE" } ] }, "severity_level": "INFO" }, "id": "RTA:19479807" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1733093940", "start": "1710111600" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Faveray-Mâchelles/MACHELLES reporté salle des sports de Mâchelles - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49MACHmach" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19497498" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1740783540", "start": "1709593200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêt transféré aux extrémités nord et sud de la ville sur la D938." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Baugé-en-Anjou (Baugé)/CENTRE reporté aux arrêts provisoires Baugé-en-Anjou (Baugé)/CENTRE TRAVAUX NORD et Baugé-en-Anjou (Baugé)/CENTRE TRAVAUX SUD" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "26" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19530982" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720303140", "start": "1710716400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Vue/LA FOSSE DES PRES ET ROUTE DE PAIMBOEUF non desservis\r\nVue/MAIRIE reporté à l’arrêt situé au rond-point de la Route de Nantes.\r\nRouans/PLACE DE L'EGLISE sera situé face à l’Eglise.\r\n\r\nDes retards sont à prévoir à partir de Vue dans le sens vers Nantes et à partir de Rouans dans le sens Paimboeuf/St Brévin." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Vue/LA FOSSE DES PRES, ROUTE DE PAIMBOEUF,MAIRIE et Rouans/PLACE DE L'EGLISE - Modification de desserte - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "301", "stop_id": "44VUE1mair" }, { "route_id": "301", "stop_id": "44ROUAegli" }, { "route_id": "301", "stop_id": "44VUE1pres" }, { "route_id": "301", "stop_id": "44VUE1paim" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19667442" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717192740", "start": "1711407600" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "en", "text": "Angles/LES FORGES reporté à l'arrêt Angles/ CAMPING MONTCALM - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "555", "stop_id": "85ANGLforg" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING", "url": { "translation": [ { "language": "en", "text": "" } ] } }, "id": "RTA:19729067" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1722031140", "start": "1712008800" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Pannecé/EGLISE reporté à 500m en face de l'arrêt scolaire rue des Varennes - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "360", "stop_id": "44PANNegli" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19776057" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717365540", "start": "1712056920" } ], "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Vous vous rendez aux épreuves d'examens, SNCF TER se mobilise pour vous transporter dans les meilleurs délais. Jusqu'au 11 juillet, SNCF s'engage à informer le rectorat de toutes perturbations ayant des conséquences sur votre heure d'arrivée, en région Pays de La Loire. Présentez-vous à un agent SNCF ou appelez Contact TER au 0 800 210 800.L'accès à la salle d'examen restant soumis à l'approbation du rectorat." } ] }, "effect": "UNKNOWN_EFFECT", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Alerte Examens" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "11" }, { "route_id": "22" }, { "route_id": "23" }, { "route_id": "01b" }, { "route_id": "01" }, { "route_id": "02" }, { "route_id": "14" }, { "route_id": "25" }, { "route_id": "05" }, { "route_id": "06" }, { "route_id": "28" }, { "route_id": "19" }, { "route_id": "08" }, { "route_id": "09" }, { "route_id": "T1" }, { "route_id": "T2" }, { "route_id": "20" }, { "route_id": "10" }, { "route_id": "21" } ], "severity_level": "INFO" }, "id": "RTA:19802582" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1729029540", "start": "1713132000" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "L'arrêt est reporté à l'arrêt Naolib provisoire avenue de Chanzy." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Départ 19h15 Petit-Mars/LA FURETIERE > Nantes le dimanche, Nantes/SAINT CLEMENT reporté - Piétonnisation de la Rue Maréchal Foch" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "348", "stop_id": "44NANTclemA" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19872732" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1730415540", "start": "1715551200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La ligne 310 arrêt reporté au Pôle d'Echange Multimodal Croix de Mission.\r\nLa ligne 311 arrêt reporté Rue de la République à l'arrêt prêt de l'aire de covoiturage." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Héric/PLEIN CIEL non desservi - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "44HERIciel" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20030275" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717106340", "start": "1707087600" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Guérinière/RUE DU PRE BROCHET reporté au Rond-Point de l'Europe dans les deux sens - Prolongation des travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "85GUERbroc" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20048395" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717106340", "start": "1707087600" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Guérinière/RUE NATIONALE et RUE DES FRANCS, L'Epine/RUE DES ELOUX et LA CROIX ROUGE non desservis dans les deux sens - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "85EPINelou" }, { "stop_id": "85GUERfran" }, { "stop_id": "85GUERnati" }, { "stop_id": "85EPINroug" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20048407" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717106340", "start": "1704668400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Reporté jusqu'à nouvel ordre." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêt Saint-Florent-le-Veil/FEVRIERE reporté en face du Camping Ecoloire - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49VIEIfevr" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20053375" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1735685940", "start": "1715551200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Niort/PLACE ST JEAN et VILLON non desservi - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "16", "stop_id": "79NIORjean" }, { "route_id": "16", "stop_id": "79NIORvill" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20128321" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716242340", "start": "1715983200" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêts Fontenay le Comte/AVENUE MARCEAU et CHAMPS MAROT non desservis - La Biennale" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "16", "stop_id": "85FONTmarc" }, { "route_id": "17", "stop_id": "85FONTmarc" }, { "route_id": "16", "stop_id": "85FONTmaro" }, { "route_id": "17", "stop_id": "85FONTmaro" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20150307" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716847140", "start": "1716242400" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Beaufort-en-Vallée/REPUBLIQUE reporté en haut de la \"Rue des champs de la Ville\" - Fête foraine" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "403", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepuR" }, { "route_id": "415", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepuR" }, { "route_id": "426", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepuR" }, { "route_id": "403", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepu" }, { "route_id": "415", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepu" }, { "route_id": "426", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepu" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20168347" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720389540", "start": "1700434800" } ], "cause": "UNKNOWN_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Départ de Saint Denis d'Orques à 06h08 au lieu de 06h13." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Course 701 - départ avancé à 06h08 - à partir du 20/11/2023" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "207" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20163795" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1725227940", "start": "1711321200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Sablé-sur-Sarthe/ZA SAINT-LAURENT reporté à l'arrêt ROUTE DE LA FLÉCHE - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "203", "stop_id": "72SABLlaur" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20163796" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717192740", "start": "1711407600" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Flèche/LE LOIR et GAMBETTA- non desservis transférés RHIN ET DANUBE - travaux promenade du Maréchal Foch et boulevard Montréal." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Flèche/LE LOIR et GAMBETTA- non desservis transférés RHIN ET DANUBE - travaux du 29/03 au 12/05" } ] }, "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20163797" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720389540", "start": "1713132000" } ], "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Se reporter sur la course 1855." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Ligne 218 - fin de circulation course 1859 - à partir du 15 avril 2024" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "218" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20163798" }, { "alert": { "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêts Cizay-la-Madeleine/IGNE et Les Ulmes/LE MOULIN CASSE reportés à Montfort/LA LANDE ELEVEE - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49ULMEcassA" }, { "stop_id": "49MADEigneA" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20173860" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716242340", "start": "1715983200" } ], "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "En raison du Carnaval, l’arrêt de Parthenay sera déplacé provisoirement Boulevard Edgar Quinet, en face de l’hôtel du commerce (situé de l’autre côté des voies ferrées)." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Parthenay/GARE SNCF - reporté Boulevard Edgar Quinet - Carnaval" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "07", "stop_id": "79PARTpart" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20183656" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716674340", "start": "1716242400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "En raison de travaux route du cimetière, l'arrêt EGLISE ne sera pas desservi. " } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Quinte/ÉGLISE reporté Place du Perray (école)" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "209" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20184937" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716476400", "start": "1716447600" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Teloché/DOCTEUR ALLAIN reporté à CENTRE DE SECOURS - Sondage voie publique" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "217" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20190503" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716587940", "start": "1715896800" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêt le plus proche Pontchâteau/CHARLES DE GAULLE" } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Pontchâteau/COET ROTZ non desservi dans les deux sens - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "44PNTCcoet" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20194098" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1730415540", "start": "1716328800" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Héric/PLEIN CIEL non desservi reporté au POLE D ECHANGE MULTIMODAL- Travaux rue de l'église" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "311", "stop_id": "44HERIciel" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20191965" } ], "header": { "gtfs_realtime_version": "1.0", "timestamp": "1716186416" } }